Champs électriques et cellules
Article mis en ligne le 14 mars 2008 par jp ceria
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L’équipe de Min Zhao de l’université d’Aberdeen (Royaume-Uni) et ses collègues ont montré que les cellules vivantes réagissent à un message électrique comme elles répondent à un message chimique. L’équipe a également identifié les gènes responsables de ce phénomène. Ces expériences montrent bien qu’un signal non chimique peut induire une réponse cellulaire adaptée

Références :

  • Zhao M, Song B, Pu J, Wada T, Reid B, Tai G, Wang F, Guo A, Walczysko P, Gu Y, Sasaki T, Suzuki A, Forrester JV, Bourne HR, Devreotes PN, McCaig CD, Penninger JM. Electrical signals control wound healing through phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase-gamma and PTEN. Nature. 2006 Jul 27 ;442(7101):457-60.

    Autres articles :

  • Sun H, Song B, Dong H, Reid B, Player MA, Watson J, Zhao M. Visualization of fast-moving cells in vivo using digital holographic video microscopy. J Biomed Opt. 2008 Jan-Feb ;13(1):014007.
  • Zhao Z, Walczysko P, Zhao M. Intracellular Ca2+ stores are essential for injury induced Ca2+ signaling and re-endothelialization. J Cell Physiol. 2008 Mar ;214(3):595-603.
  • Pu J, McCaig CD, Cao L, Zhao Z, Segall JE, Zhao M. EGF receptor signalling is essential for electric-field-directed migration of breast cancer cells. J Cell Sci. 2007 Oct 1 ;120(Pt 19):3395-403.
  • Song B, Gu Y, Pu J, Reid B, Zhao Z, Zhao M. Application of direct current electric fields to cells and tissues in vitro and modulation of wound electric field in vivo. Nat Protoc. 2007 ;2(6):1479-89.
  • Forrester JV, Lois N, Zhao M, McCaig C. The spark of life : the role of electric fields in regulating cell behaviour using the eye as a model system. Ophthalmic Res. 2007 ;39(1):4-16. Epub 2006 Dec 11.

Zhao M, Song B, Pu J, Wada T, Reid B, Tai G, Wang F, Guo A, Walczysko P, Gu Y, Sasaki T, Suzuki A, Forrester JV, Bourne HR, Devreotes PN, McCaig CD, Penninger JM. Electrical signals control wound healing through phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase-gamma and PTEN. Nature. 2006 Jul 27 ;442(7101):457-60.

McCaig CD, Rajnicek AM, Song B, Zhao M. Controlling cell behavior electrically : current views and future potential. Physiol Rev. 2005 Jul ;85(3):943-78. Review.

Reid B, Song B, McCaig CD, Zhao M. Wound healing in rat cornea : the role of electric currents. FASEB J. 2005 Mar ;19(3):379-86.

Song B, Zhao M, Forrester J, McCaig C. Nerve regeneration and wound healing are stimulated and directed by an endogenous electrical field in vivo. J Cell Sci. 2004 Sep 15 ;117(Pt 20):4681-90.

Zhao M, Bai H, Wang E, Forrester JV, McCaig CD. Electrical stimulation directly induces pre-angiogenic responses in vascular endothelial cells by signaling through VEGF receptors. J Cell Sci. 2004 Jan 26 ;117(Pt 3):397-405. Epub 2003 Dec 16.

Wang E, Zhao M, Forrester JV, McCaig CD. Bi-directional migration of lens epithelial cells in a physiological electrical field. Exp Eye Res. 2003 Jan ;76(1):29-37.

Wang E, Yin Y, Zhao M, Forrester JV, McCaig CD. Physiological electric fields control the G1/S phase cell cycle checkpoint to inhibit endothelial cell proliferation. FASEB J. 2003 Mar ;17(3):458-60. Epub 2003 Jan 22.

  • Wang E, Zhao M, Forrester JV, McCaig CD. Electric fields and MAP kinase signaling can regulate early wound healing in lens epithelium. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2003 Jan ;44(1):244-9.
  • Song B, Zhao M, Forrester JV, McCaig CD. Electrical cues regulate the orientation and frequency of cell division and the rate of wound healing in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Oct 15 ;99(21):13577-82. Epub 2002 Oct 4.

fleche Sur le WEB : Observation de cellules guidées par des champs électriques
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